Hello everyone!

We just returned from another 10 wonderful days in SXM. The weather was not so good for us this trip, but great for the island which is now VERY green and lush... not to mention BIG puddles everywhere! It rained 5 out of the 10 days... not all day long, but lots of clouds, showers and thunderstorms.

A few comments:
The checkpoints on the island are no big deal. We saw a couple of them and weren't stopped. They were mostly checking locals and looking for seatbelts - 90 euro fine and people talking on their cellphone while driving - 22 euro fine.

The restaurant experiences this year were second to none! We'll fill you in on all of the juicy details soon.

There is massive construction underway at Dawn Beach. The entire area behind Mrs. B's is bull-dozed and there are all kinds of heavy equipment and a crane in there laying steel posts in the dirt. This is the beginning of 20 new condo's that will be right behind Mrs. B's. It's too bad... so much noise and the entire landscape has changed. We won't be enjoying that beach any longer.

The new airport is coming along nicely - very impressive!

We're working on a trip report and will probably post something later this week.

Zach & Renee

Oh - almost forgot - There were LOT'S of REALLY BIG coolers EVERYWHERE on the beach!!! LOL!!!