After reading a post I thought this may put a smile on some faces. Just a thing or two to keep in mind before chartering...if you own a boat these will be old hat.

B-O-A-T (Broken or about to)
B-O-A-T (Break out another thousand)

"If sailing was easy we'd all be doing somehthing else!"

"In what other sport can you be wet, cold, hungry, happy, seasick, and scared - all at the same time!"

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken main halyard and a leaky toilet valve."

"Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Give a man a boat, he can not afford to eat again."

"Want to make Neptune laugh?? Tell him your cruising plans."

"Cruisers don't have plans, just intentions."

My favorite "Most of my money I spent on boats and women. The rest I squandered'. "