TRIP REPORT: May 12-May 19
Trip # 20…
We left Newark late due to the drop of rain that fell on the runway… We were number 40-something in lining up for take-off… Ah – Newark!
Arrived pretty much on time. Breezed through customs and got our bags and were met outside by Unity. First time using them. Would definitely recommend. Got a somewhat banged up older car (our preference – no bells or whistles – or power anything). Just fine. On our way we picked up a phone from Sharon Harris (Doris) at Royal Palm. Had to keep in touch with our pet sitter and be sure our “baby” was okay.

Stopped at the Food Center to pick up some water and snacks. I waited in the car while George went inside.
Checked into Port de Plaisance – our timeshare. They had upgraded us to a one-bedroom unit. Checked in. Resort looks good. Got unpacked and decided to lay down to take a nap and guess what? Woke up 2 hours later!! I NEVER take naps in the afternoon – unless I am sick, so my body must have been trying to tell me something.
It’s now around 4:30, so we just hung out for a bit until it was time for dinner. We decided to try SkipJack’s. We found a place to park and went in. Very nice place. George had the blackened group, while I tried the lobster pot pie. He also had a salad and I had the crab/corn chowder. The chowder was quite good, but unfortunately, somewhat similar in taste and consistency to the pot pie. Not too bad… George’s group was excellent and I wished I had gotten that. We took a piece of key lime pie back to PDP for dessert.

Next day – up early and headed off to Le Sucriere for some croissants – I had chocolate and George had a plain one. He thought it was too buttery, so I got the most of it. I thought they were great and apparently – judging by the number of cars in the parking lot – a lot of other people do too.

We then headed off to Friar’s Bay. Kali set us up with a couple of chairs under a palapa – lots of shade, which is what we both need. Spent most of the day there. We really like the beach there. Kali was setting up the bonfire for the full moon party.
Stopped at Ric’s Place to get something to eat. I forgot that they don’t accept credit cards and only had about $28. George had a drink, I had a soda and we split a hot roast beef sandwich. It really was enough for 2 people and we didn’t want to ruin our appetites for dinner. Back to PDP and the pool.
We went to Don Camillo’s for dinner – one of our favorites on the island and they did not fail to please. George had a salad and I had eggplant parmigiana appetizer. Filet Mignon for hubby and stuffed chicken for me. Espresso and George took a dessert back, but I can’t remember what it was…

Sunday – we made breakfast of oatmeal (George is trying to lower his cholesterol) then off to Friar’s again. Decided to go to the other end Friar’s Bay Café. It was Mother’s Day, so the beach was pretty crowded. Plus, they only have umbrellas there and pretty small, so we had to keep moving our chairs and adjusting to the sun’s rays. Great day!
Back to PDP and the pool til dinner time – seeing a pattern here?
Sunday we went to Le Bec Fin. I asked the waiter to make me a special drink – his choice. I have no idea what it was, but it was good. A couple glasses of wine along with a rack of lamb. George had a filet mignon – again. (Now you know why he eats oatmeal every day.). BBB had a band playing, and we asked to sit outside since it was sooo hot indoors. Enjoyed the “free” entertainment.

Monday, decided to do shopping this day, since it was our 30th anniversary. We decided to park in the pay lot by the government center. What a nightmare!! I saw a space on the left side and by the time I got there, it was taken. Another car was leaving, so I put my signal on and waited for the guy to leave. A little car pulled around the guy and as I was pulling into the space, they backed up right into the space! I stared at them for a bit and they were afraid to get out of the car. Wild woman from NJ! I finally calmed down but I was majorly p$$ed off! Go around to the other side and there is this huge pick-up truck. I couldn’t see around him, so I assumed he was waiting for someone to pull out of a space. He kept backing up and backing up. I tooted my horn to let him know I was back there, but he kept coming. He finally jumped out of his car and started yelling at me that there weren’t any spaces there! How could I know?? I now go to the right side of the parking lot and the attendant is telling me there is a space over there. So I start backing up to get into the space and the guy in the pick-up truck zooms into the space!!!!!!! I just stared at him and he jumps out of his car again and starts yelling that he was taking that space and he was there first… blah, blah, blah… No actually, I’ve been here for the better part of 10 minutes “trying” to get a parking sport. He actually almost hit me when he initially blew into the parking lot . There was another spot further down the aisle, but I was really seething by now. OK, calm down – we’re here on vacation remember? This is the friendly island….
We walked over to the boardwalk to see what they had accomplished since our last visit. It looks great, but it was so hot walking out there. We went to Touch of Gold to pick up a little anniversary gift for me. I actually walked out without spending much. I saw a Hidalgo ring that I really liked, but I just was not in a buying mood and I only buy if it’s something I really Love and I was only in Like this time…

Off to Friar’s again. Back to Kali’s – happy and starting to calm down.
Since this was our anniversary, we wanted to try someplace new for dinner, we ended up going to The Wharf. They parked my car and backed into the space for me. I had the onion soup, George had a HUGE salad, which was enough for 3 people. I had a couple Bellini’s (they good!), and we both had lobster for dinner. Mine was Thermidor and George’s was garlic. They were just okay. They give you a huge dish of rice. I ate half my lobster and George finished it. It was very rich and after the onion soup; I was pretty full.
We had gotten a couple of coupons to use at Dolphin Casino (from Don Camillo’s). We blew through them pretty quickly. Left there with less than we came in with. Not a very “friendly” casino.

Tuesday, went to Le Exotique to get some gifts for folks back home. Marie Moine does some lovely work with ceramics. Added to the collection and didn’t realize that I bought the same plate 2 years ago!! It is somewhat different in design, but basically still the same. Oh well… back to Friar’s. We had a late lunch at Jimbo’s. I really like that place. Good food and drinks. Dinner was at Le Guingette at PDP. They have great food and at a really reasonable price. I had a garden salad and the brochette of beef and George had Caesar salad with shrimp and mahi mahi, both were excellent. They have some prix fixe meals which are extremely reasonable. $20 for salad, brochette and a dessert. Other nights are varying prices. Lobster night is Thursday and that includes lobster bisque, lobster main course and dessert for $35. This place is an undiscovered gem.
We went back again for dinner on Thursday night, it was so good.

Wednesday – Friar’s - we went to the TTOL party at BBB. It was certainly nice meeting everyone and kudo’s to Bill and Elaine for the effort. Thanks to Jack for the beads!
Had a late dinner at La Gondola. Finally got there after trying for the past several years. We always seemed to go on the day that they’re closed (which is Tuesday). Very good food and atmosphere. Best tiramisu EVER!!!!!!!!!!

We went to the pool early on Friday and check-out at PDP is 12 pm, which is nice. Checked in no problems, our plane was a little late getting in, so we were a little late boarding. That drop of rain thing again in Newark. Had to sit on the airport for 45 minutes until they could get a gate for us.

All in all – the trip was one of our best ever. Weather was phenomenal – food was great (as always). Company was super (even after 30 years). Going back again – end of July with my niece. Can anyone say PA R T Y??? It will be an entirely different trip report then.