Flew Jet Blue from BDL to SJU TO SXM. On time, good flights to find Lesley Bruce waiting for us(he's great!!). Please know that on the return..after customs—you have to exit the building to reenter to Jet blue area. Very confusing!!! Please ask for directions as soon as you leave customs.
Off to the Towers at Mullet bay (own 23 years). Staff is just as nice as always! So much has been done to the Towers in the past year..looks great! Towers has been painted, new curtains, bedding, appliances, furniture, carpeting in the hallway/elevator, pool has new umbrellas/chairs. Bar at the pool has two new TVs. I’m totally impressed.
We usually go for two weeks. My daughter and son are in college and have jobs so they couldn’t come. My husband transferred jobs and could stay for a week…so I stayed 5 days alone. Love this Island so much!
Weather was perfect every day. We did nothing but lay on the beach and sit by the pool sipping on drinks. Life has been very difficult this past year with 3 tragic deaths along with job changes etc. We needed to just relax and that’s exactly what we did!!!!! Thank you St Maarten!
Bikini-Remodeled….Great food, extremely friendly staff, very good food.
Kontiki-Remondeled…looks great. Had drinks no food.
Mullet Bay-BEAUTIFUL. Thank you Frankie for the chair. Thank you Rosies for good food

Greenhouse-Very Good

Bajatzu-Very good Rancho-excellent
Pizza place behind Maho-very good
Pinapple Petes-very good
Greenhouse-very good

Jewelry: I’ve been going to these two places for so long. Treated like family!
J&N – Ravi