Just returned from our second trip to Grand Lido Braco.
Jeana and I are primarily SXM people, and this trip is not going to change this. We take turns with another couple between Braco and SXM. Braco is their home away from home, while Orient Beach is for us.

Not looking to do a day by day, just an overview. The resort was beautiful, well maintained as always. Everyone is friendly and this is truly a nice place to visit. Pool was in great shape as was the beach. Rained the first couple of days on the island, but the remainder of the weather for the week could not have been better.

I have read 2 frequent bitches about GLB, one not enough pool towels and second that the hot tub was not hot. Unfortunately, I have to report that these issues continue. What the hell is up with the towels??? We spend $4000 for a week and cannot get clean towels, I do not understand. Hot tub would be too cold one day and then waaaaay too hot the next. Buddy of mine caught hell for trying to run a hose of cold water to the HT one day. People could only put their feet in!

Food: Meals during the day were very good, whether at the poolside BAR B Q or in the Market area. Only downside to Market Area is the need to get dressed! Dinners were inconsistent.
We had 3 meals in the Japanese place and each were positively superb. Whether sushi or chop chop, the meals and service were great. I was somewhat disappointed in dinner at the French place as it had been superb in a previous visit. This year, just so so. Service was grand, as always, but the food was only fair to good. I know I am spoiled with the restuarants in SXM, but for what we pay at Braco, dinner at the French rest. should be top notch.
Finally, I have to say that dinners in the Italian restuarant were just terrible. I will not go into a description, but neither will I ever eat here again.

Drink: Most people enjoyed embibing their top shelf liquor and had a great time. As a beer drinker, I was extremely disappointed to find that this year there is no choice beyond red Stripe. I have friends that will call me a beer snob for saying this, but Red Stripe sucks. I just cannot drink it. Ended up spending about $150 sending out for Heineken so as to have something to drink. Sorry, it is not an all inclusive if you have to bring your own beer!

All in all, we met some wonderful people here, both visitors and natives. I have never seen a place where the locals are as friendly as they are here, and so interested in chating with you. A hot topic on Jamaica is President Obama. Really has people down here looking toward the bright side of things!

Changes: Not looking to rehash the info from other links, just briefly, uppon changing to Breezes, this facility will remain an adults only environment, will maintain the au-natural portion. There is a question regarding room service. MGT would not state that it would be continued or not. A rumour going around was that it would only be available on the au-natural side. At the repeaters cocktail party, MGT was clear in that they couldnot make this promise, but that they intended to push for it. Not everything has been decided, apparently.

Overall: Braco remains a great resort and has some of the best employees anywhere. They need to pay attention to detail in regards to the towels, hot tub, and food quality at some of the rest. We pay far too much to come here for things not to be top notch.


Last edited by Administrator; 04/16/2009 12:33 PM.