We had a great 8 day sail over new years. The trip up to Anagada was certainly one of the highlights. Walkers map was very comforting, especially since the VHF went lemon and wouldn't transmit. I'll be bringing a handheld for backup next time.

We came up from the Sound and I was a bit surprised what a 90° turn it was from the approach wpt to the first channel marker. We had 17knts of air on the way up and around 20knts with 8-10' seas on the way back. I was full sails on the return and the Moorings 4000 handled it without a problem. The 423 behind us was rail to the water until coming up for what must have been a difficult reefing excercise.

The coast guard announced that a flair was sited on the East side of Jost on our return, but we heard nothing more on that matter. We averaged 7-8knts both ways. We had Dolphins accompany us on both legs.

Sam the man at Whistling Pines was terrific and so was his food. In fact, all the food on Anagada was first rate. When we were at Loblolly the waves were 25' on the the outer reef, what a great scene. I can't imagine not making Anagada a part of every trip.

Where can i get a bottle of Absinthe to help me cope with this approaching snow storm?