Yes, there are Tarantulas on Jost Van Dyke ... and pretty much every island in the Caribbean.

I love to garden and am often disturbing the poor things as they like to burrow holes in the garden. The Tarantulas we have in the BVI are non-aggressive (quite docile really) and won't bother you if you don't bother them, much like the greatly maligned and unfairly treated tree boa. Both are good creatures to have around. The Tarantulas eat lots of bugs!

I used to have loads of tree boas at my place but for some reason, they have all but disappeared in the last two or three years. Occasionally, one will wander into the house and I just guide it right back out with a broom. They usually co-operate.

When I dig in my garden, I am usually using a small trowel rather than a big shovel. More than once I have come up with a scoop of dirt together with a rather frightened Tarantula. I just lay it down a little further away from where I am working and they scamper away.

What you should watch for are scorpions. They can be aggressive when caught by surprise. Just shake out your clothes and check your shoes before putting them on. Keep a can of bug spray handy, but don't kill the Tarantulas please. As I said, they won't bother you if you don't bother them.