After talking to some BVI friends and reviewing finances, my mom and I decided that we really can't miss this. We have just decided that we want to go to the Cat Fight and be there for the dedication of Dawg Rock and the ceremony and also we thought it would be the most appropriate time to spread his ashes; at his favorite place in his most favorite sailing event of the year. We thought it would be the perfect time because all of you will be there celebrating the Cat Fight and his memory.

We will only be able to come for around 5 days because I am still in school, but we need to make arrangements for the trip. Ideally we would like to be on a boat for a couple nights if possible, but if not then we would at least want to be on a boat for the race and ceremony and to spread the ashes.

If anyone is willing to host my mom and I for either just the race or the race and a night or two, please let us know. We are absolutely willing to chip in for charter costs. We completely understand that everyone has their crew pretty much full and we understand that everyone has set plans or a schedule and that nobody wants extra weight. Should we be allowed on a boat for the race, I will absolutely pull lines or do whatever is asked of me. If anything I can fetch you beers and make cocktails (just turned 22).

If anyone has any suggestions for us or is willing to host us, please let me know. If you would like to contact me more directly I will leave my phone number and email. We could also use suggestions for where to stay if we are not on board with someone. Also, if someone is willing to host us, please let me know if you are comfortable with my mom and I (and possibly you too) releasing my dads ashes into the water while on board. His will states that his wishes are that his ashes are spread in the Sir Francis Drake Channel.

Thank you so much for any input or offers that you may have.

Nicole aka Sail Puppy
