Nice, easy recipe! Very nice! Definately give this one a try! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />

I have always had a problem making this and baked stuffed clams... they just never turn out the way I like them...

Deb makes a killer oyster stew... very easy also...
butter (lots), fresh oysters and liquor, S&P and whole milk... (1%, 2% and blue milk just doesn't do it)...
melt butter in a pan, add oysters to pan over med heat and cook til they are just done...
add desired amount of milk mixed with all the oyster liquor, S&P and heat thru...
serve with chopped chives or curly parsley on top and oyster crackers...
simple, quick, but excellent! and no spices or anythhing else to mask the delicate oyster flavors...
<img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />

note: you can thicken with a roux made with Wondra or flour or arrowroot, but I like it thin... with a nice baguette for sopping!

don't ask me for exact measurements, as Deb always uses the "that's about enough" method for this one...