Georgia, when I cook them that way, I usually add some chicken stock, onions, celery & carrots...
The leftover liquid makes a great base for soups or an excellent gravy...
I use the "outboard motor" to puree everything together for either...
and the chicken comes out "fall off the bone" done!
I do lightly coat chicken with flour first, then brown before putting in the crockpot...
If I don't brown the chicken first, it comes out like what my grandmother used to call "cademphed chicken(sp?, can't find any referance to it on GOOGLE)"...
Leave out the mire poix (celrey, onions and carrots) and just season with white pepper & salt...
It makes a very white chicken that produces a very white gravy (thicken the broth with a lightly cooked roux)...
excellent if you have the flu or a cold!
I always loved that as a kid! It's quite tasty! Pure chicken flavor...

Bottom line, I use cannned chicken stock (or homemade, if I have it) when I do a chicken in the crockpot...

when I get chickens or wings I always clip off the wing tips... and put them in the freezer... when I have enough m(like a full ziplock), I make my own stock (with canned chicken broth), and freeze...
The wing tips have the most collagen... so the stock comes out really silky...
when it cools in the fridge, it should be just like JELL-O...

[color:"blue"]Life with my wife... It's not just a marriage, It's an Adventure![/color]
"Only Sailors Get Blown Offshore" <*}}}><{