Are you the captain? If so you are in charge and have the experience to guide newbies as to how things are properly done. If provisioning is a challenge imagine just how difficult picking up a mooring ball will be.

That part is a two person TEAM job. One on the helm and one on standby with a boat hook to lift the line to the cleat. A third who takes consistent ownership of the dinghy and painter can be a nice touch. Disaster is the guy trying to run the galley from the helm.

Break up the tasks to willing and able volunteers with a passion for the position. If your group lacks anyone with a passion for the galley. The BVI is blessed with many placed to eat ashore À la carte! Or maybe in your case you have some great culinary skills coming aboard who will do their best work when they can see and touch what is available to work with. Again I would not worry about this one bit. I would never try to control the work of others on vacation either.