We just returned from three weeks in SXM and although we didn't have any problems, several of our close friends did. One incident occurred at 10:30 am in a parking lot in Marigot-our friend was attacked by a man with a switchblade demanding money while he was waiting for his wife in their rental car. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and was able to drive away without getting injured. Our other friend was shopping in Phillipsburg in the morning and was almost mugged by two young men. She was able to get away and run into a store for help. We heard one woman was tasered by a man on a scotter while waking to Porto Cupecoy from Cupecoy; purse grabbed. Please be careful and alert while on vacation and lock all your doors. Just read this article in the Daily Herald. Maybe it's time to write letters to the editor regarding the increase in crime!
