One additional consideration for you. It gets dark early in St Martin.

SXM is in the Atlantic time zone, which is one hour earlier than Eastern Standard time. BUT SXM does NOT observe Daylight Savings Time! This means that during the summer the clocks read the same as in the eastern US, but the island is about 1,000 miles further east and thus gets dark an hour before the east coast of the US.

Added to that, SXM is at 18* North Latitude, about the same latitude as Central America. This means there is very little twilight and it gets dark very quickly once the sun dips below the horizon.

The third and final factor is that the length of the daylight period is only about 12-13 hours unlike in the US, where the tilt of the earth's axis has the sun rise early in the northeast sky and setting in the northwest giving us much longer days and shorter nights in the summer. Sunset in SXM will be around 7pm Atlantic Standard Time +/- if you want to watch the sunset from your restaurant, show up for dinner around 6 to 6:30 in the evening.

Hope this helps...
