Regarding Dino, his statement regarding this situation was this

"Since the US elections, the term " fake news" seems to be in vogue, so please allow me to set this record straight.  We are not moving to Summit, We are closing for the month of June for vacation, instead of the traditional September when many restaurants on the island close.  We hope to benefit from being one of the few restaurants open during that month.  I'm not aware of any of my staff resigning, or opening a new business, however it is certainly any persons right to do as they wish during non working hours.  If any of my staff have the opportunity to earn more money , have a second or side job, or help a friend out, even start a business, all I can do is wish them well, and be grateful for their service.  We are a team of 15 people, and our regular guest know that many of our  team, have been with us for 10 plus years, ( including my sous chef Das).  It may very well be that Das is busy with something at Summit, that I'm not aware of, but this does not equate at all to Temptation moving to Summit.  While we are still open this month, please come and enjoy our 3 course summer special for $45.  "

Carol Hill