Not Deepblue and.......

Not a commentary on Temptation or Sublime, or for that matter, not on the Summit Resort or the restaurant's that have tried to make it there in the past, but I for one would be very happy to see a quality restaurant at this location but I can't help but wonder if this might not be an overly ambitious endeavor for this new entrepreneur.

Restaurants anywhere are an incredibly difficult business to operate in that they require full time hands on to be successful. There's a lot more to it than just having good food or even a great location. Dedication, personal involvement and a total commitment are absolute prerequisites, and these are just for starters. There's so much more that goes into it........

The Summit is a cute little older island-style resort but sadly, even with its incredible view from the pool deck overlooking the water, I think it needs a lot more to make it work as a dining location. Past operators there have been hit or miss in both their menus and hours of operation, just for starters, even when their food offerings have been good. And to offer breakfast, lunch and dinner is a formidable undertaking, IMHO, which is why so many places specialize in one or the other.

Beyond that, it's off the beaten path; it's not big enough to have an in-house regular clientele; and truthfully, even though the parking is seemingly adequate, the actual access to the restaurant area, unless it's been changed, leaves a lot to be desired. I can't tell you how many times over the years we've walked down to find them closed or not serving the meal we were hoping for.

The ethical issue of the new operator notifying his current boss was not to my personal liking, but sadly, I think it's pretty normal for the island and further, I'm thinking it was probably one of those conversations that slipped out and then couldn't be taken back, because in the enthusiasm of the opening it was preemptively publicized.

Personally, I hope they do well and I hope the resort management helps them out with some publicity as well since it benefits them both in the end. And lastly, I know we'll give it a try on our next trip and hopefully, while it remains to be seen, I hope it's a huge success for everyone involved.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat