This is the Turkey recipe I do. Makes WONDERFUL Gravy!

Orange Bourbon Turkey

2 C fresh orange juice
1 C water
½ C bourbon
1/3 C molasses
Several cooking onions, quartered
Several oranges, quartered
1 turkey
Salt and pepper
Poultry seasoning

Combine 1st 4 ingredients. Place turkey in a large cooing bag and pour in marinade. Place bagged turkey in a roaster and refrigerate overnight. Turn turkey in the marinade occasionally. Remove turkey from marinade, reserving marinade, and sprinkle inside and out with salt, pepper, and poultry seasoning. Stuff cavity with the orange and onions pieces. Roast at 325 until done. Pour reserved marinade into saucepan and bring to a boil. Skim off any foam. Cook till reduced to about 2 cups. Add ¼ cup bourbon, the pan juices and thicken with either flour or cornstarch.