purplelily said:
I'm curious about how your check out and back in went with customs (time wasted, provisions, paperwork, hassle, etc).

I love, love, love Maho, and if I could combine that with a BVI charter easily - well, dreams are made of this.

We make that dream come true every week multiple times at CYOA. :-)

Charter from St Thomas. Easier,cheaper and better flight options. No ferry rides and better less expensive provisioning options.

You also have the added bonus now of not paying the cruising fees while in the USVI. Basically the more days that you spend in St John and St Thomas the less expensive the trip gets.

The customs are simple. We provide the forms with a filled out example in the boats documentation. You do not have to clear out of the USVI while going into the BVI's. Spend the first few days around St John. When your ready to go to the BVI's bounce over to Jost or West End and clear in. On your return come back to St John and clear back in at Cruz bay.
