OK... Deb's family calls it GOOP...
I'm sure everyone has their own variation and name for this dish!

ground beef & sausage, browned
shredded cheese (mozzarella, cheddar, gouda, parmesan, munster, whatever you have on hand)
onions chopped large
bell peppers chopped
jalapenos chopped
chilies chopped
mushrooms sliced
black olives sliced
Italian Seasoning, S&P to taste
bag of frozen le seur peas
sliced carrots, cooked al dente
1 pound box of elbows, cooked just a little less than al dente
whole plum tomato (chopped large, and de-seeded), diced tomato, and tomato paste

mix it all together and put in a 350F oven for about an hour!
YUMMMMM! Comfort food, and makes great leftovers! (even better the second night!)
I'm gonna serve with a nice garden salad... and maybe a baguette? (Garlic Bread?)... and a bottle of Italian red!

[color:"blue"]Life with my wife... It's not just a marriage, It's an Adventure![/color]
"Only Sailors Get Blown Offshore" <*}}}><{