Bridge to Frenchmans Cay is gone. Have not heard from Island Jim or or Doc Howard who holed up in Howards place north side of Sopers. One report that 80% of CGB gone. Quito's no longer exist. Myetts roof gone. All of White Bay except Hendos and part of Soggy gone. Carrot Bay flooded. All boats sheltered in Paraquita in a big pile in the mangroves. Moorings dock in RT a total desaster. Village Cay Marina the same. Large cat up sideways on the TMM docks.

One piece of good news VHF radio report that Nick and Monica and the staff at Leverick are OK. Not so for the docks and most buildings. Not much else out of VG other than lost roofs.

Last edited by GlennA; 09/07/2017 08:51 AM.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. - Mark Twain