denverd0n said:
Thistle said:
I love Laura's designs, BUT as my 13- year old daughter (who sailed with www.ActionQuest.com this summer) pointed out, "Why buy yet another t-shirt, wouldn't it be better to just donate the full amount (and then some) to VISAR?"


Did the math on a couple of those t-shirt websites. In all cases, less than half the money is actually going to VISAR. One in particular has collected over $500 in sales, and has donated just barely over $100. Do the math for yourself, if you don't believe me.

Send VISAR the money, cut out the middle-man, and you'll do even more good. Of course, then you won't have a t-shirt to prove to the world how caring and generous you are. Maybe you care about that. If not, donate directly!

I understand these sentiments completely, and is one reason why I hesitated on even doing it at first because I had the same thoughts. But people were reaching out to me and asking about doing something and it was determined that this would not detract but add to the relief efforts.

The idea behind it is that sometimes people who aren't able to donate large sums generally hesitate from donating at all and sometimes a little "incentive" helps. On the other hand those that have donated large sums or efforts will also boost donations by grabbing a couple of t-shirts as well because they can and well, people like t-shirts.

I tried to come up with an inspiring message that would ultimately not only drive extra funds that likely would not have been but be inspiring and of course raise awareness. I am tweaking the site to add trusted links to donor sites as info comes in. I see Dirk also has a new campaign going so will be adding that.

Another goal is to also help get the folks on island some as well, once they are accepting clothing donations. I just want them to have something that has an uplifting message.

Anyway, that is the rational behind it and I certainly don't discourage anyone from donating straight away to a group. I am doing it all myself to keep the base costs at the absolute minimum. I am coordinating with DiveBVI who also is working on some designs that they would like to offer folks in addition to their main fundraiser and their response by their FB members has been really positive as well.

All I know is if I can't be there, I can at least donate my time and efforts to something that generates more awareness and donations. As of right now I'm up over $1000 that wasn't there before and I have more promoting to do.

Much love to all!