Hi All; Looks like we are leaning on the 10 day two way charter from Grenada where we will be beating up or motor sailing to St. Vincent where we will be picking up our better halves.
There will be 4 couples and the 4 gents will be sailing the leg up to St Vincent which allows us to provision beforehand, learn boat operations and handling and experience some challenging sailing, all in order to instill a high level of confidence in our better halves on our sailing abilities when we pick them up and not subject them to two days of potentially beating up wind! Ideally we would be able to sail from Union to St Vincent (Blue lagoon Marina) pick them up and then sail down to Bequai. If we don’t need to provision is St. Vincent this will increase the odds of our being able to make it to Bequai in time (assuming a mid-afternoon pick up at Blue lagoon Marina).

I have heard that the provisioning on Bequai is just as good or even better than St. Vincent. Can anyone that has knowledge on the provisioning situation in St. Vincent and the Grenadines give some advice?
