Originally Posted by Schwendy
What conditions would start to be questionable for a trip over to Anegada from North Sound in a 433pc? Not going until July but taking this week for example, winds ESE 15mph seas 4-6 feet occasional 5-7 feet. Obviously I'll do a close check on the weather before making a decision but what conditions do you start to consider aborting? I realize it's different for a monohull sailboat for sure. I'm thinking 4-6 foot seas and 15mph wind is my limit.

I don't think this is a question anyone can really answer for you. You should abort at whatever conditions you feel uncomfortable. You might also want to make the determination after you've been on the boat a couple of days and become more comfortable with it. Obviously the boat is capable of handling conditions that are much more severe than you might want to experience so this isn't really about a safety issue but rather a experience/comfort issue. Having said all that, I hope you loosen up the wind requirement a little bit or I fear you may not get to see the lovely Anegada. 15mph is only 13 knots. I have been to Anegada many times in the summer months and wind speed is typically a little lower than the rest of the year but I think I've only sailed that stretch once at wind speed that low. As sailbynight indicates 15 to 20 knots is pretty normal. So maybe after being on the boat a couple of days you can set a limit of 20 knots. And even at that speed you might venture out and see about the conditions. You can always turn around if you don't like what you see.

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