I don't usually do restaurant reviews since they often start an argument. But dining at Altro in Porto Cupecoy earlier this year reminded me about how the French treated Americans in the early 90's around the time of the first Gulf war. At that time most of the good restaurants were on the French side and they were all packed. Naturally, when the French side started going down hill that gradually started to change until they hit rock bottom last year. The addition of many, many good new restaurants on the Dutch side made a big difference.

We showed up at 7 without a res and asked for a table outside. The restaurant was empty. We are not people that stretch out a meal but we felt like we were being rushed a little bit. Things slowed down a little, since it started raining. By 8 the restaurant was full outside and people who had a res for our table showed up. It became obvious that she had given us a table at 7 knowing she had a reservation for 8. The female French owner decided to unload on me "what the problem was" when I paid the bill. We had not eaten fast enough. The French do not like to have other French people waiting on Americans to leave. We found out later from the restaurant next door that the owner was not very nice and once had unplugged the amp used by a guitar player (while he was playing)
at their restaurant because she thought the music was too loud.

Mario's is a much better choice.