Originally Posted by LBI2SXM
French tax on the Dutch side, HUH??

I had the exact same thought. And the following may not be well-received. Call me cheap if you will but.......

I’ve developed a new policy with regard to establishments where ‘a percentage added’ to my dinner check is concerned. We would typically tip the standard 20% plus a round up when it’s our choice but I’ve now decided ANY added percentage is a tip and if it’s ten, fifteen or twenty, that is exactly what I’m leaving with no additional monies.

I have no issue with a large table being charged a mandated tip for the obvious reasons but beyond that specific situation, I strongly resent this being done regardless of what it’s called or where the money goes in the end. And while I feel for the waitstaff who might come out in the short end under my policy, I strongly believe this approach often encourages poor or lackadaisical service in many instances and I don’t personally think management should be dictating the size of the gratuity I choose to leave. If the waitstaff has an issue then they need to address it with their bosses.

We’ve had waiters tell us they don’t get their tips; that the service charge isn’t a tip; that the house keeps the monies and lots of other stories as well depending on which side of the island I’m dining on. A tip is a personal thing and should be deserved by the server and offered by the guest and NOT, in my personal opinion, mandated by the owners.

That’s my story and I’m sticking with it! For now anyway.......



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat