Kenny, that is my thought as well.

It was from a cruise that discovered St Martin almost 30 years ago. With the exception of a couple of European cruises, I had not experience a cruise since until last year when Irma caused cancelling my trip to St Martin. Instead, I had to settle for a last minute Celebrity cruise, which I thoroughly enjoyed--especially the days at sea. I will be back to St Martin for hopefully a month retirement stay next year. But, this year I will be taking an Oceania cruise to St Martin. Unfortunately, it will be in December when 5 other ships are in.

I am excited about the day that I get to spend in what I call paradise. I have contacted Wilfred for a private tour, because there are specific places that I want to go, people that I want to meet with and things that I want to see. I trust him to be able to navigate the impending traffic and get us back to Philipsburg so that I can drop many more coins.

So, I say to everyone concerned that it is only a day and will infuse much needed money into the economy. I do get what you are saying,because I tend to avoid Philipsburg on ship day when staying on the island.