No lemonade but merely dealing with the reality of the situation. The rain, other than Saturday night, has honestly not been a problem. We’re tent campers, remember. There are things you can control and others you just have to make the best of. If a twenty-four hour day offers fifteen minutes of rain it’s really not the end of my world. I’m here in paradise and my philosophy is pretty much, ‘this too shall pass’ And it does and the sun returns. Now if it rained four three days straight I would be singing another tune for sure.

I think the hole you are talking about is still there. There’s an orange road hazard cone thingy there in the road but the water’s so deep the cars make waves and the waves keep tipping it over and washing it away. We’ve gone through there a bunch of times for the obvious reason. If you go slow and really take your time, beyond being a little nerve-wracking, you’ll be okay. I’ve watched a few yahoos go flying through there and if they had issues I’d have no sympathy for them but pretty much everyone is very considerate of their fellow travelers since we’re all enduring the same situation. I do feel for Lesley and the other car rental concerns along this road since it’s got to make their business situations a little more problematic.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat