Tied up in Spanishtown in the 1980's we saw a lobster fisherman come in with a load.
He had a cockroach looking thing in there with the spiny lobsters - turned out to be a shovelnose lobby.
He said they were good, and I offered to buy it.
He said he would give it to me - that way he could have burger tonight!

The next night on the hook I split the tail in half and grilled it up for Barb and I.
Well... Half of it got flipped into the water. I was gonna jump in and grab it but Barb said no, and in my indecision it slowly wafted out of site.
I was heart-broken.
She shared her half with me, two bites each, and we filled up on side dishes as best we could.
That's when I learned (the hard way) to alway turn the meat towards the center of these tiny grills!