Just got back earlier this week and believe me when I tell you that everything is up-and-running (bars, restaurants, etc.). There is only one potential case of COVID-19 on St. Martin, but I don't believe it has been confirmed at this time. The concerns, however would include a sudden outbreak of this in the West Indies that could lead to a travel ban from the island back to Canada, or even possible quarantine once you return. The other concern is not knowing what you may encounter in the airport or on the plane. We carried clorox wipes with us, and wiped down everything within reach once we were seated. The trouble with COVID-19 (besides being quite contagious), is the long latency period it possesses between the time someone is infected, and when they eventually become symptomatic. Just because someone isn't coughing or sneezing near you on the plane doesn't ensure they don't have the virus.

On St. Martin they are being proactive fighting this. I saw this first hand. Signs and marquees instructing residents and visitors on proper care to avoid getting COVID-19 are all over the place. The questions you are asking are difficult to answer, but if you do decide to go I would bring along a package of clorox or lysol wipes and use them as much as you can. These wipes can kill coronavirus on surfaces that you clean.