Thanks for the article. Because this is a novel (new) coronavirus there's no question that it will still be extremely contagious throughout the year. The world's population has absolutely no immunity to this virus, and it's going to take a while before enough people are infected to create some type of herd immunity to really shut it down. Wherever large crowds gather and in congested metropolitan areas person-to-person and surface-to-person infections will continue, but if summer dew points are high enough the transmission rate from sneezing and coughing should be reduced. It's not just about the air temperature, but more so about the humidity in the air that should help slow things down a bit. Combined with social distancing and good ole common sense the numbers should begin to turn around this summer. Articles like this one are helpful, but in some ways they only result in making people more depressed and less optimistic about the eventual containment of this virus.