Kennys is absolutely correct when he said, "This will cause a total disaster."

We are on our boat on the Dutch Side. Yes, there are many anchored boats on both the French Side and the Dutch Side. Nearly every other island in the Eastern Caribbean is closed for entry, so everyone must remain where they are so we are stuck here.

There was a vessel on the French Side that provided water delivery service to any boat that needed water. The gendarmes forced the man to cease any and all water delivery, as of 4 days ago. Getting water on the French Side is VERY difficult.

The border between both sides of the island is closed. There is water available on the Dutch Side in the Lagoon at IWW for boats but boats on the French Side cannot access the Dutch Side water because of the border closure.

That is only the water problem, not to mention everything else that will happen when the TOTAL 24 hour closure and mandatory curfew go into effect. I only hope the Dutch marines show up sooner, rather than later.