Yes, this is very sad. To think just one month ago my wife and I were having drinks at the Sunset Beach Bar. But, it was even sadder after Irma. I know that's an old story (2-1/2 years old), but at least things won't have to be reconstructed from the ground up after this. The tourists will return. The signs are beginning to trend in a slightly more positive direction here in the states, and though it will take time I'm hopeful that many places will reopen in some capacity my mid-June. Although a true vaccine is still a ways off into the future, there are presently 44 different research laboratories working on anti-viral medications that potentially can prevent or block the infections from this virus from entering the lungs. Once testing becomes available on a wide-scale (if it happens) then when someone tests positive for SARS-CoV2 such medicines can be given while the person is asymptomatic or has only mild symptoms. There are many good internet sites to review regarding this, but if you google "messenger RNA (mRNA)-1273 and COVID-19" there are some great websites you can refer to regarding potential treatments.