I was listening to a couple of doctors on a video sent to me, found it very interesting. They understand why everyone was quarantined in the beginning, and the frail and people who have underlying conditions still need to quarantine. But it is a disservice to the healthy people because they are not co-mingling with people and that is necessary to keep up your immunity to many viruses present. People talk about the second wave when medicines and treatments and equipment and vaccinations should all be better known, but the doctors in the presentation said that all heck will break loose due to no one having immunity anymore due to the quarantine, including young healthy people. I still think it is very important to strictly quarantine when you have multiple generations living together, but I also agree with the doctors that said get out, enjoy the sunshine, and start getting back to your regular routines so that everyone can start building up their immunity again. I have huge respect for infectious disease doctors, but they have used models that have not proven to come to fruition. So much to be learned from this outbreak, why some countries had so little trouble and others so much, why ventilators didn't do much to save people yet they were in so much demand, why so many people were asomptymatic yet the virus is present, and others got such a terrible strain. Hoping the world gets to know all the ins and outs of this virus so that future viruses will not lead to the total shutdown that existed with this one.