You're welcome, SunnNC. Today, Gilead Sciences & Pharmaceuticals out of California (Bay area) announced encouraging results with their antiviral medicine Remdesivir (pronounced REM-dez-iveer) and this is a major breakthrough in the battle with COVID-19. Dr. Fauci has indicated that this drug can effectively block coronaviruses (such as SARS-Cov-2) though it was originally produced to deal with the far deadlier virus Ebola. It is part of a family of drugs called "nucleotide analogs" and when administered to a patient with COVID-19 disease Remdesivir inserts itself into the RNA chains and disrupts the RNA's coding, essentially interrupting and terminating the virus. It appears as if the FDA approved this medicine today, though I'm still searching for information. Clinical trials have shown when the drug is administered recovery for COVID-19 patients was much faster than those who received the placebo. This is not a vaccine, but rather an antiviral medicine that can shorten the duration of the illness. If it can shorten the time period that people are sick and get them off ventilators then IMO it signals the beginning of the turnaround against this pandemic. Plan to read much more about this tomorrow.