Yes 45 years ago was quite different - the boats out sailing were almost all unique, a few white plastic rental Piersons, CSY"s or Morgans but mostly really pretty vessels.Sometimes famous old wooden vessels were right next to you at anchor or passing underway. The professional Captains were a real sailing breed and even the rental boats were operated by mostly longtime experienced boat owners.
We didn't have to avoid a bunch of mooring balls everywhere - we found a good sandy spot, checked the surroundings, and conditions and dropped the anchor.
Often we rowed ashore to check out a little shack with beer and rum and a boom box music player. At night the stars were glorious in the total darkness and quiet because no generators or A/C running. If there were any other boats anchored, we might hear some guitar music, and the warm glow of oil lanterns added real peaceful ambiance.
Maybe the simple and quiet sailing and anchorages are what @caribbeangirl13 was comparing - rightfully so. And her bracelet probably looks real pretty!