Originally Posted by Lars
Originally Posted by Lars
Dear all,

The LINK to the full original text published by the French prefecture. It is more detailed and includes a FAQ.

Your browser may have built-in translation from French to English.

Kindly, Lars

I have now been reading the original text as if I own a restaurant in the French Saint-Martin. I read that the penalties could become severe and I must download a verification mobile phone application called “TAC Verif” to control all restaurant guests when entering.

However, even though all EU countries are gathered in the huge database that “TAC Verif” checks, I guess it will not communicate with any database in the US.
In addition, it seems like the states in the US does not have one huge database, but different databases for different states - and some states have no digital verification possibility at all.

So, do you all agree? If you are coming from the US, do not hope that a digital verification via mobile phones will work when entering a restaurant. The best, perhaps “the only proof” that has a chance to work is your physical paper-based “CDC Covid-19 Vaccination Record Card”!

Kindly, Lars

For your information: Published today, based on the more informative press release from the French prefect (earlier link repeated above) > LINK

Kindly, Lars