Originally Posted by JasonHelmbrecht
This is just a case of the charter company and/or owner not wanting to pay the fees or make the effort to register the boat for fishing. I don't think it's a trivial process or fee but many boats are registered so it's definitely possible.

Thank you for this.

To be clear, this is probably not a BVI government change but more likely the charter company?

As I mentioned, they did say the boats are registered. I think I would like to ask them for proof. Something seems odd about this whole situation.

My son is the primary fisherman. He works at one of the primer tackle shops in our area and has been looking forward to this for over a year. Now, 4 weeks out we are told we can't fish. I would like to try and figure out what is really going on but don't want to go off half cocked and accuse anyone without the facts.