Originally Posted by candu
Thanks for the great report. We were wondering if Etna was available at Maho but it looks like we will be going to Carrefour.
You certainly managed to fit a lot into one week.

You can get scoops of Etna’s at …2 places in Maho strip but for cartons, Carrefour for sure.

Originally Posted by pat
Great report and photos but tell me, please, how did you remember it all? Do you take notes or just have amazing recall? I often have a hard time recalling if I had my morning coffee. Thanks for sharing a very inclusive and informative trip.

So I do write a simple page itinerary penciled in with ideas before we arrive but as our whim changes, we do whatever. That’s the basic guide as well as using our photos to guide us.

Originally Posted by jazzgal

Not sure if we're talking about the same place, but a building or two before the turnoffs to Friar's Bay is "the Christmas House." She starts decorating in September and has some amazing decorations. Both the outside and inside are decorated, and I enjoyed visiting very much a couple of years ago. But I think she's open for tours just in December.

Yes indeed. She kept saying gingerbread house and I kept driving past wondering what she was talking about. We eventually did stop by and took a few pics outside. The decor reminded me of the game, ….Candyland.