Many years ago we very seriously contemplated buying a home on SXM, and this after visiting at least annually for about fifteen years.
I’m a ‘what iffer’ so we really had a lot of points to ponder. Missing family at home and the convenience of getting back and forth for visits, never mind for emergencies that might arise; the worry factor about the property and how it was holding up through storms and other island perils; and so many other things.
We finally made the ultimate decision not to buy there and for us it was the right choice. But that’s not to say it would be the right choice for others.
In the meantime, our daughter and son in law did purchase a lovely condo there and I have to say, other than their ages being such they can’t get away to enjoy it as much as they’d like to at this time in their lives, there is definitely something to be said for boarding the plane to SXM with passport and purse in hand and little else to think about.
Good luck, whatever you decide to do.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat