Question on this topic as it's been several years since I've been down at this point. For those who prefer to bring meat vs. provision in the BVI, what is the primary reason? Have you done the math to figure out how much you'll save and is it worth the effort of having to lug it all and risk of having it go bad if you get stuck in some kind of crazy delay?

I understand that there are some foodies that really like to season their meats and have them all prepped in advance for convenience when on the boat so that you can just pull it out of the fridge/freezer and toss it on the grill. If that's your jam, I totally get it.

For those that don't fall into that foodie category and are just bringing unprepped raw meats, is the quality your biggest reason for bringing food with you, or the cost?

For me, I'm not a big foodie. A burger or piece of chicken on the grill in any anchorage in the BVI is going to be awesome no matter what, and we like to eat out about half of our meals as well when on vacation. I say all of the preceding to ask, is meat really that much cheaper that it's worth considering bringing it along with you if the only reason to do so is to save a few bucks? And how much would you really save, say on a 4 person charter, once you throw in the cost of the cooler?

Thanks in advance!