So, a question for those voting for cash and CC. How do you get more cash out, if you need to when on the island? If you use your CC, it is treated like a cash advance and interest is charged. Your credit card is also then exposed to skimmers. So i really don't undrstand how it is safer.

There is one other factor at play here, which does not apply to any of you. I'm Canadian. I don't operate in USD on a normal basis. So I don't want to have an excess amount of US cash with me. If I need more I go to the ATM. I have a US dollar bank account and US VIsa card (in addition to my Canadian ones) with RBC's US affiliate. I use those when travelleing to places like the USA and St. Martin, where things are denominated in USD. I keep a limited amount of cash in the account, since I can easily transfer more from my Canadian accounts online with the push of a button. So my exposure to theft is limited, and RBC will indemnify me if it happens.

I don't use my debit card for making foreign purchases, only for accessing cash. Purchases are only CC or cash. So i don't understand the aversion to debit cards. Maybe it's a US banking thing for some reason? I'm also staying on the island for 3 to 5 weeks at a time, so maybe that makes a difference?

Last edited by CanuckTravlr; 08/05/2023 11:30 AM.