Yep, I’d agree with the statement that all companies are more than willing to help on and off. They understand you’re not AS familiar with this boat, and this dock, etc…

I was pulling into the harbor fully prepared to dock myself, and as I was maneuvering into the slip area, a dingy pulled alongside, and nearly instantly there was a dock hand standing next to me at the helm, “you got it, or you want me to?” Better to let them dent the boat than ruin your holiday!
You’re going to have a lot going on with family and friends and having a great time in the islands - no shame in handing over the hardest part of the week to the guys who do it a hundred times a day! Watch them work, it’s a thing of beauty to see them maneuver so gracefully and easily!


There’s nothing, absolutely nothing, half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.