Agreed... I will pass on the information. I think they will iron out all the issues and work on them and address your concerns as they are asked as they are just starting out and will probably like all the feedback they can get to start things moving forward in the right direction.

I rememeber when I first started there were many things about my webesite not even remotely close to what I have now. Many were very sceptical about placing orders with me and now I have customers who shop with me year after year. But all the feedback and info I received when I first started here really helped me grow. I listen to all the things that were not rightabout my website and made the necessary changes to meet all my customers needs...

I have learned when you are running a business negative and postive comments should be taken very seriously to determine what works and what needs to be improved.

So I am sure they will appareicate all the feedback so feel free to comment and I am sure they can respond here ... Bottom line I really belive the idea is a great one and will really assist alot of travellers who want things stored here.

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