Carol_Hill said:
I don't know, for ME, personally I would never keep anything of value there, I wouldn't really worry about the insurance question so much. I think how I would handle that is to just have a specific liability limit of say $100, unless they pay extra for some extra insurance.

I agree or, perhaps a disclaimer that all is left at the owner's risk with no absolute guaranty at all?

Funny aside - when we left things after one of our April trips, we left a pair of John's Teva beach sandals in a plastic bag and somehow, when we returned that November they were lost. Oh, well, that's life, right? No big deal and it gave me something to get him for Christmas.

This year the person who holds our belongings came to the Towers and knocked on our door one day with the sandals in the bag in hand, wanting to know if they were the ones that had gone missing. They had gotten lost on a shelf in the persons closet, and when they were found, no one in the household claimed them and then it all clicked. So now, he has two pairs.....



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat