All I can say is good luck. I know of no truly gluten free restaurants in SXM. I have been gluten free and vegan for many years and always have a hard time when in SXM. Our family stays in Grand Case and yes the restaurants will bend over backwards to accomodate your needs or tell you that they will, but, if your allergy is severe you must be careful. An example, french fries should be gluten free but they are not if they are cooked in a frier that is not exclusively for french fries. You can not expect the chef to read all the ingredients on the label or even know enough to modify his recipe. I do not have a severe allergy which enables me to take more chances.

I bring a lot of my food and the grocery stores in SXM have more options for gluten free than ever before. There is a health food store in Hope Estates and in Marigot that carry gluten free products.

I eat almost exclusively salads or side orders of vegetables when I go out and enjoy the company I am with.

Good luck again.