Edward-sorry, on a game drive, you drive around in a jeep and look for game, at least in Botswana, anyway. People do NOT drive the game toward you, no. These animals are wild, and the amount of territory that they cover is VAST, and you just drive around in an attempt to locate them.. It's not a zoo.

And, if your travel agent says that Botswana is politically unstable, DUMP THEM!!! They have no clue what they are talking about. Botswana is one of THE most stable governments in all of Africa. There is aids in Botswana, and everywhere in Africa, yes, but unless you plan on "interacting" with the locals in a sexual way, you need not worry about that. Just because a TA is from a 'major agency' doesn't mean they know SQUAT about Africa. Get an AFRICA specialist travel agent, who specializes ONLY in Africa. This is a very specialized destination and general travel agents are useless.

Carol Hill