Our daily routine is heavily influenced by sand gravity. We're now up to 3 weeks in October at GCBC, followed by a few days at Mary's Boon, but this is about 75% of a typical day.

I try to wake up a bit before 6 am to catch the sunrise and experience the wakening of the resort and the town of Grand Case, as viewed from a chair with a mug of coffee.

Put on coffee, open front door to let in most of the cats, open back door to let in Ginger, feed cats, fill carafe with coffee and fill my mug, chase the cats out, and head out to enjoy the beginning of a new day.

Walk into town to get baguettes and croissants and come back to eat breakfast. Then it's time for about an hours dip on the Petite Plage side of the resort, followed by a leisurely lunch, either out or some combo of pate, cheese, bread, doggy bag, or maybe, I even cook.

More time under the sea grape trees and a few more dips in the water. If I get real motivated, I may mosey over to the Grand Case Beach side of the resort. This consumes the rest of the afternoon.

As sunset is around 5:45, we shower around 5 ish, change into our evening finery (a clean island shirt), open the wine or bubbly and head to the waterfront in pursuit of the elusive green flash, which we have seen only once, or less than 1% of the days.

Then around 7:30, it's off to a leisurely dinner, which always seems to take two hours or more, and back to the room to offer the cats a nightcap, and rest up for the next day.

We may go to another beach on one or two days, but sand gravity seems to demand we stay in Grand Case. You really can't fight Mother Nature.