Hi, Lynn and Chic,

Years ago, and particularly when we were here with the kids and Grands, we used to enjoy that boat and we even did a few private charters with our group of six or eight and they were wonderful days. We also had one of those true 'sailing' days you're describing and thankfully, none of us became ill. We haven't done boat trip since it was sold and they started taking more passengers. The owner we went with always limited his trips to 12 to 14 and it was a very personalized day with no trapeze and high jinx, but either way, it's a great little boat, for sure.

Are you enjoying your stay and how much longer are you here? We have to give up our penthouse on Saturday but the trade off is good since we're moving literally to an on the beach location. Have a great time.....



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat