18. Buy one of those fancy, flexible shower hoses, plug half the hose and use it exclusively for a week.<br><br>19. Take any 2 pound piece of metal and drop it repeatedly on your feet until the pain subsides to a dull ache.<br><br>20. Place one foot on the rim of your tub and the other on a bath mat. Have your spouse s-l-o-w-l-y pull the mat away from the tub.<br><br>21. Completely fill your deck shoes with sand/pebbles and try to do the Macarina.<br><br>22. Turn the kitchen lights low enough so that food cannot be distinguished. Turn this into a game.<br><br>23. Light your grill using all the charcoal starter you can find at True Value. See how fast your house catches fire.<br><br>24. Attempt to pull a 2 ft wide tree trunk from the ground without appearing concerned.<br><br>[color:blue]Best,<br>Jeff Carlin<br>Bloomington, IN</font color=blue>

Jeff Carlin
Bloomington, IN[/color]