Depends on what airline you are on, as to how early you can check bags. What airline are you on? Some airlines, like AA, you can check in way early. Other airlines, if they only have one flight that day, you may not be able to check in and check bags until approximately 3 hours before your flight. So, optimally, if you on AA for example, go check in as early as you can and get rid of the checked bag(s). Honestly, for me, even if I have to pay to check it, we often check two bags on the way home, just so we have less "stuff" to deal with on the plane on the way home (and the hours after leaving the resort). Speaking of the resort, IF it is convenient to the airport--not so if you're staying on the French side--SOME places have a room or a place behind the front desk where they will hold luggage for you. That may or may not work for you. Regardless, NO!! and I am shouting--NO! do not leave your luggage in the car and get out of the car, at any time, at any place, for any length of time. One place that I know that will hold luggage for you is Karakter. They also have showers there, and wifi. So you can have a last few hours on the beach and get a shower before you head to the airport. If you're already checked in at the airport, you should be able to head to the airport a little later than 2 hours before.. (Unless of course you are anal, like me, and worry until you're sitting at the gate... <img src="" alt="" />)

Carol Hill