I just pulled out the SkyMed policy (we've been referring to it quite a bit over the last couple of weeks!). Under the "Exclusions" section, it reads:

A condition, or symptoms thereof, which was diagnosed and for which the individual received medical advice or treatment from a physician within a three-month period preceding the effective date of coverage. Pre-existing conditions will be covered commencing ninety (90) days from the Member's effective date of coverage.

As I recall, the insurance application did ask about chronic conditions, and I was careful to indicate that I had bypass surgery 20 years ago. But I certainly hadn't seen a doctor about anything cardiac related for way longer than the three-month period.

I should also say that SkyMed never even brought any of this up, and they paid everything directly. All of the negotiations with SkyMed were handled by the facilitator at the hospital in Marigot, we never had to deal with them directly. My wife did contact SkyMed first, once we found out we would need a medevac, and later the facilitator told us us we shouldn't have even done that - she would have preferred to handle the contact herself.

Clearly we're very satisfied about how things turned out. SkyMed came through with exactly the coverage we expected.
